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Preventing Air Conditioner Leaks and Saving Money

Freon leaks in your air conditioner will cost you a lot of money. Repair these leaks as soon as possible and prevent them from happening again. In the past, a Freon leak was not considered much of a problem, because Freon was not as expensive as it is today. Homeowners would simply top off the Freon when the level …

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Indoor Air Quality Testing: Top Reasons You Should Get It Done

Are you aware of the pollutants that you and your family are breathing inside of your home? Have you ever thought about the air you breathe in? Is it safe and healthy, or does it contain allergens and contaminants? Although you might like to believe that the air inside your house is clean and fresh, it is far …

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Buying a New Furnace: Consider Supplemental Equipment

An HVAC system is essential to keep you comfortable inside your home during harsh weather conditions. If your furnace has served you for well over a decade and has started troubling you with higher maintenance, repair, and energy costs, it is time you consider investing in a new HVAC system. Your HVAC company can help you …

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What To Look For In a Central Air Conditioning System

When looking at a new house, there are some things about the air conditioning system you are going to want to find out. When shopping for a new home, we all have a list of certain criteria that are non-negotiable, such as location, number of baths, and a central air conditioning system. A central air conditioning system …

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Preparing Your Air Conditioner for a Great Summer

You may not enjoy this summer if your air conditioner is not working well. Summer is a time of the year for great fun. In spite of the joy and great pleasure associated with the season, it can be particularly hot too. So if your air conditioner is not working as well as it should, you are …

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