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Toxic HVAC System Smells and Their Impact on Your Health


Don’t let a bad smell ruin your home’s comfort. If you suspect any foul odors from your HVAC unit, contact Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating immediately.

Every home has the occasional brush with an unpleasant smell. But if your home has a lingering stench or mysterious odor that won’t go away – you should not ignore it.

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At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we pride ourselves in being a locally owned and operated HVAC company. With more than 30 years of experience and a master technician and mechanical engineer as our owner, we can replace, repair, and provide maintenance for your business or home’s HVAC system.

(314) 471-7625

HVAC systems rank among the most common culprits of an awful-smelling home. Anything from dirty air filters to a refrigerant leak can cause your HVAC to smell. Either way, those smells can be potentially hazardous to your health. Below, we take a look at some common odors that can come out of your HVAC system and their impact on your health.

Moldy or Mildew Smell

When the HVAC condensate line is not drained correctly, it causes mold and mildew to grow, resulting in a musty or moldy-smelling home. This smell poses no real danger to your system, but it can harm your health. In addition, breathing in mold can cause or expedite respiratory issues in adults and children. Contact our Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating immediately if you notice this smell.

Freon Gas Smell

Freon is a gas used to extract heat from the air, making the air from the HVAC feel cool. Unfortunately, Freon gas is toxic and can be pretty dangerous when inhaled. This gas usually has a sweet, fragrant scent and smells like the coolant in your car.

If you suspect a Freon leak, get in touch with your HVAC repair expert to locate and fix the leak.

Burning Smell

A burning odor from an HVAC unit is usually a sign of a faulty compressor, electrical wiring, or fan. These parts of the HVAC system are manufactured from an array of metals and chemicals. Therefore, exposure to such smells is potentially harmful to your health.

Contact a professional HVAC technician to check out the problem. Attempting to repair this on your own can result in severe burns and injuries.

Sulfur or Rotten Eggs Smell

If you smell rotten eggs or Sulfur from your HVAC unit, the most likely suspect is a natural gas leak. This odor is typically added to HVAC gases to alert people in case of a leak.

Suppose you smell Sulfur or rotten eggs in your home, open all the windows and vacate your house. Once you’re outside, call an experienced HVAC pro right away. High exposure to natural gas leaks reduces the oxygen levels in the blood, leading to unconsciousness and, in extreme cases, death.

Exhaust Smell

When fluids leak from the different components of your HVAC unit, exhaust fumes are released. The exhaust fumes then release vast amounts of dangerous chemicals and toxins into the air. Inhaling these toxins and chemicals can lead to severe respiratory problems. If you detect an exhaust odor, contact an HVAC technician to assess and fix the problem ASAP.

Call Us Today!

Don’t let a bad smell ruin your home’s comfort. If you suspect any foul odors from your HVAC unit, contact Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating immediately. We have a team of experienced HVAC technicians ready to help fix your HVAC odor problem once and for all.

24/7 Service Call Now

At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we pride ourselves in being a locally owned and operated HVAC company. With more than 30 years of experience and a master technician and mechanical engineer as our owner, we can replace, repair, and provide maintenance for your business or home’s HVAC system.

(314) 471-7625

1 thought on “Toxic HVAC System Smells and Their Impact on Your Health”

  1. Understanding toxic HVAC system smells is crucial for safeguarding health. This article highlights how odors can indicate serious issues like mold or gas leaks, emphasizing the importance of immediate professional inspection to prevent health risks and ensure indoor air quality.


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