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How to Identify & Eliminate Poor Air Quality in Your Home


Air pollution might seem like a problem in big cities and outdoor spaces, but the reality is that it is something that every homeowner needs to be aware of.

When people talk about pollution, it usually is discussed as a public health concern on a global scale. However, air pollution isn’t just about smog and greenhouse gases. Most residential homes have a considerable amount of air pollution that homeowners are completely unaware of.

The quality of the air in your home might not be something that you think about often, but it should be. Having good air quality is obviously important for your overall health, and if you have someone in the house who has allergies, it is important to take the air quality inside your home seriously for their sake, too.

The problem with air pollution is that, in most cases, you can’t see or smell it. The good news is that you can still control it and take small and unobtrusive steps to improve the quality of air that you and your family breathe.


The phrase “air pollution” describes the number of particles that are in the air that you breathe. In the air, there are small particles that can be toxic when inhaled. It is important that your air be free of as many of these harmful particles as possible. The three main types are listed below.


Mold is typically something you think about resting on the surfaces of moist areas of your house. Mold spores are only harmful if they are ingested or inhaled. Often, homes can have mold problems without the owners even seeing it.

The true hazard of mold is that it can become airborne. If mold spores are spread to the air you breathe, then they can cause harm to your lungs and lead to some serious health issues. The best way to ensure that you don’t have mold in your home is to have your air ducts cleaned and to change your air filters frequently.

That way you can ensure that mold spores aren’t being trapped in your ductwork or recirculated throughout your home and harming the people who live there.


Although not toxic, pollen can be extremely detrimental to someone who has sensitivities and can cause a severe allergic reaction. During the springtime, when you can open up your windows and air things out, you are also inviting in things that will wreak havoc on seasonal allergy sufferers. To ensure that you aren’t inadvertently recirculating misery, make sure to keep your filters new, especially as the winter blues turn to summer sunshine.

Household Cleaners

When you clean your windows or use cleaners in your bathroom, you probably don’t give much thought to how all those chemicals get trapped in your HVAC system and continue to be kicked up when the furnace or air conditioner turns on.

Accumulation of all those things that keep your house clean can really end up becoming super toxic if left unchecked. If you want to limit your exposure, keep the windows ventilated and think about getting your ducts cleaned seasonally.

Air pollution might seem like a problem of big cities and outdoor spaces, but the reality is that it is something that every homeowner needs to be aware of. After all, pollution affects your air quality and your HVAC system. It’s always best to breathe clean air!

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