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Spring is the Best Time to Have Your Ductwork Cleaned


As spring approaches, you will want to make a fresh start and get your ductwork cleaned.

All around the nation many homeowners are waking up to sunshine and birds chirping. Spring is not here just yet, but it is right around the corner. If you are considering when it might be the best time to have your ductwork cleaned, springtime is the perfect time to air things out by opening up windows and cleaning out your vents. All those months that you shut your windows up during the winter can lead to debris and dirt getting stuck in your HVAC system and recirculating throughout your house. As spring approaches, you will want to make a fresh start and get that ductwork cleaned.

What’s Lurking in Your Air Ducts?

During the winter months, all the toxins, allergens, and dust and debris in your environment have been continually sucked into your HVAC system and circulating throughout your home. Even worse, those particles that couldn’t make it through the system have gotten lodged inside and may be wreaking havoc on your HVAC system. When spring and summer come along, and you need to shut the windows again to run the air-conditioning, you will want to make sure that your ductwork is clean and that air is flowing as efficiently as possible.

How It’s Affecting Your HVAC System

The airflow in your home is not only essential to your comfort, but it also plays an important role in the longevity of your HVAC systems. If your furnace or air conditioner has to work harder to push air through the system, then that is putting more wear and tear on them and making them work harder than they need to. The only way to make sure that everything is running smoothly is by having a St. Louis professional HVAC company come and clean your ductwork to loosen that trapped dirt and debris.

What About the Air Filters?

It is also important to change your filters before the warm air comes around. Your HVAC air filters are the first line of defense to ensure that the system is working as efficiently and as effectively as possible. If you aren’t changing them frequently, then you are not only reducing the air quality of your home, but you are making your furnace and air conditioner work overtime to keep your home comfortable.

St. Louis HVAC Maintenance

Spring cleaning isn’t just about opening up windows, cleaning floors, and airing out the dirt and debris that got trapped during those long winter months. It should be a time when you hire a professional HVAC company to dust out your ductwork and ensure that your system is in good shape.

Not only do you need to make sure that you change the filters, but you also want to ensure that you have gotten rid of all the pollutants that can get trapped in your system and cause a whole mess of problems for both your HVAC units and your family’s health. The best way to air things out is to have your ducts professionally cleaned, so when you open the windows wide to let in some fresh air, only that fresh air is circulating through your system.

Contact Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating LLC at (314) 471-7625 or fill out our online contact form to keep your system trouble-free year round.

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