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Legionnaires’ Disease and HVAC Systems: Everything You Need to Know


HVAC systems installed and maintained by our technicians are guaranteed to be free from any organic matter, thus keeping you and your family safe from respiratory illnesses.

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At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we pride ourselves in being a locally owned and operated HVAC company. With more than 30 years of experience and a master technician and mechanical engineer as our owner, we can replace, repair, and provide maintenance for your business or home’s HVAC system.

(314) 471-7625

Legionnaires’ disease, or legionellosis, is caused by the bacterium L. Pneumophila. According to the CDC, the disease hospitalizes between 8,000 to 18,000 people every year.

First identified in 1976, one contracts legionnaires’ disease when they inhale mist or vapor that contains the bacteria. The disease mainly affects the lungs but is also known to infect other organs like the heart and kidney. Currently, there is no vaccine for legionnaires’ disease.

Legionnaires’ Disease and HVAC – Where’s the Connection?

Because L. Pneumophila, the bacteria that causes legionnaires’ disease, thrives in warm standing water, the condensate pan in our HVAC system is an excellent place for the bacteria to call home. Unfortunately, that means if the bacteria finds its way into your HVAC system, you and your family are at risk of contracting the potentially fatal disease.

L. Pneumophila proliferates in the presence of organic matter like algae and rust. This organic matter is what the bacteria feed on to multiply. That’s why if you have a water-cooled HVAC system, you need to make sure it undergoes regular maintenance to get rid of any algae, sludge, or rust. If you don’t, the build-up of these organic matter will make your HVAC the perfect place for the bacteria to multiply.

What Symptoms of Legionnaires’ Disease Should I Look Out For?

Legionnaires’ disease is a more severe form of pneumonia. As such, many of its symptoms resemble that of pneumonia. In fact, it’s easy to mistake pneumonia with legionnaires’ disease. Some of the main symptoms of legionnaires’ disease include:

  • Persistent Coughing
  • Headaches
  • Severe fever
  • Muscle aches and pain in the joints
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sharp Chest pain
  • Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting

These symptoms may vary from mild to severe. A milder form of legionnaires’ disease known as Pontiac fever usually clears within two to five days of adequate rest and proper treatment.

Is Legionnaires’ Disease Treatable?

Fortunately, legionnaire’s disease is treatable, but that doesn’t mean you should let your guard down. Keep in mind that 10% of people who get legionnaires’ disease succumb to the disease — according to the CDC.

One effective way to sidestep contracting legionnaires’ disease is by scheduling routine HVAC servicing. That way, you’ll be able to get rid of any sludge, scale, or rust that sustains the bacteria and makes them multiply.

Prevent Legionnaires’ Disease With HVAC Systems’ Best Practices

Legionnaires’ disease is potentially fatal, and if you own a water-cooled HVAC system, you stand being a victim of the disease. As such, you should always ensure you schedule routine HVAC maintenance to prevent the build-up of sludge, algae, and scale in your unit.

Contact Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating

HVAC systems installed and maintained by our technicians are guaranteed to be free from any organic matter, thus keeping you and your family safe from respiratory illnesses like Legionnaires’ disease.

Are you looking for HVAC installation, repair, or maintenance services? Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating has a longstanding reputation for quality HVAC services. Contact us for more information.

24/7 Service Call Now

At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we pride ourselves in being a locally owned and operated HVAC company. With more than 30 years of experience and a master technician and mechanical engineer as our owner, we can replace, repair, and provide maintenance for your business or home’s HVAC system.

(314) 471-7625

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