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5 Reasons HVAC Maintenance is About More Than Just Saving Money


Preventive maintenance of your air conditioner is the best way to prolong the life of your unit while keeping your comfort level high and your electricity bills low.

Most AC manufacturers recommend professional maintenance of your air conditioning unit twice a year – once when the season changes from hot to cold and once when it changes from cold to hot.  

Perhaps the main advantage of preventive AC maintenance is that it improves its energy efficiency, saving you money in the long term. 

However, this is not the only benefit you will get from regularly taking care of your unit and scheduling proper maintenance in harmony with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Here are 5 reasons HVAC maintenance is about more than just saving you money.

The Air Quality in Your Home Will Be Significantly Better

Dirt and debris constantly collect in your AC unit, and they can be hard to remove completely if it’s been piling up for too long. A regularly maintained unit will be easier to clean and provide clean, filtered air for your home. People who suffer from allergies and other conditions are the ones who most benefit from a clean AC unit, but we believe that it should be the standard for any homeowner.

A Well Maintained AC Unit Has a Lower Impact on the Environment

If you care about your carbon print and the impact your lifestyle has on the environment, you will definitely be on board with preventive maintenance. By helping your unit be more efficient, you significantly reduce its consumption. Because your AC needs less power to work properly, you are also considerably reducing your carbon footprint.

It Prevents Expensive, Dangerous Situations Like Fire or Frost Damage

Many people think that they can’t afford to hire a team to perform preventive maintenance every year. However, the truth is, damage caused by poor maintenance can be more costly than a routine tune-up. Not to mention, a faulty AC unit can actually put you and your property in danger.

Maintenance Extends the Life Expectancy of Your AC Unit

Keeping your AC system clean and well-maintained will generally increase its lifespan, as you will actively prevent serious damage and wear. Failing to schedule regular maintenance may force you to invest in a new AC system in just a few short years. If you do the math, that will cost more than the yearly upkeep of the unit.

Maintenance Keeps Your Comfort Level Constant

Why else do we use AC units, if not for our comfort? Your AC system will perform well with proper maintenance and ensure your comfort level remains constant throughout the year.

Air Conditioning St Louis

As you can see, preventive maintenance of your AC is the best way of prolonging the life of your unit, keeping your comfort level high and your electricity bills low. Give us a call today to make sure your St. Louis air conditioner is ready for the summer heat!

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