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The Cicadas are Coming! Is Your HVAC System Ready for It?


The St. Louis area is bracing for a potentially record-breaking cicada infestation. Consider the following steps to ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly during this cicada emergence.

According to Nicole Pruess, the invertebrate keeper at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House, there could be as many as 60 billion cicadas in St. Louis alone.

Once we begin seeing the emergence of cicadas, it’s crucial for homeowners to regularly inspect and clean their outdoor HVAC units during and after an infestation to prevent any potential issues. Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning and Heating is here to help if you require assistance!

Understanding the Impact

Cicadas, especially during major emergences like the 13-year broods, can swarm in huge numbers. While they don’t pose a direct threat to the mechanical operation of HVAC systems, they can indirectly cause problems:

  • Airflow Blockages: Cicadas can accumulate around the outdoor condenser units. If too many cicadas block the air intake grilles, the system has to work harder to circulate air, leading to decreased efficiency and increased wear and tear.
  • Component Clogging: Small parts of the HVAC system, such as vents, fans, and filters, can get clogged with cicadas or their debris. This can strain the system and require frequent maintenance checks and filter changes.
  • Noise Disturbance: The noise from a swarm of cicadas can be mistaken for a malfunctioning HVAC system. It’s important to differentiate between the two to avoid unnecessary HVAC service calls.

Steps to Protect Your HVAC System

To ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly during cicada emergences, consider the following steps:

  1. Regular Inspections: During the cicada season, increase the frequency of visual inspections of your outdoor unit. Look for and remove any insects or debris that may have accumulated.
  2. Enhance Protective Measures: Consider temporarily installing mesh or netting around the outdoor unit to prevent cicadas from getting too close. Make sure any protective coverings do not restrict airflow.
  3. Maintain Cleanliness: Keep the area around your HVAC unit clean and free of vegetation and debris that could harbor cicadas.
  4. Professional Maintenance: Before and after the cicada season, have a professional HVAC technician inspect and service your unit to ensure it’s in top working condition.

Call Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning and Heating

While cicadas are mostly harmless to humans, they can be a nuisance to your HVAC system. Proper precautions and regular maintenance can minimize any negative impacts and keep your system running efficiently. Remember, a little preventive care goes a long way toward ensuring that your HVAC system can handle everything that nature throws at it, cicadas included.

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At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we pride ourselves in being a locally owned and operated HVAC company. With more than 30 years of experience and a master technician and mechanical engineer as our owner, we can replace, repair, and provide maintenance for your business or home’s HVAC system.

(314) 471-7625

1 thought on “The Cicadas are Coming! Is Your HVAC System Ready for It?”

  1. This article is a great reminder to prepare your HVAC system for the cicada season! It’s crucial to take preventive measures to protect your system from these noisy pests. The tips provided will help ensure your HVAC system remains efficient and reliable.

    Thanks for the timely advice!


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