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Improving the Bottom Line with HVAC Maintenance


The price of doing business is something every business owner has to manage. There are strategies to help control operating costs.

All businesses, large and small, are affected by operating costs. There are strategies to help control operating costs. Considering how the operating costs of a business’s commercial HVAC system affect the bottom line is a good place to start.

Install Digital Thermostats

Install digital thermostats out of reach of employees or put them inside a lock box. Employees love to adjust the temperature to their personal needs without any regard for the customer or your bottom line. Hundreds of dollars can be saved by using a digital thermostat to keep a consistent temperature inside the building. Taking away the ability to fiddle with it ensures that your system gives you the most return.

Adjust Business Hours

If possible, adjust your business hours. This will not work in the retail industry, but many companies, especially those in particularly hot climates, will start their business day in the very early hours, allowing them to be closed in the late afternoon when temperatures reach their peak. There is no law that says a production company has to be open from nine until five. By starting the workday at six o’clock and ending it at two o’clock, you can keep the business closed during the hottest time of day in the summer.

Regular Maintenance Program

Make regularly scheduled maintenance checks a priority for your commercial HVAC system. By operating a clean system with new belts and filters, a business can save almost forty percent on its utility bill. Ask an HVAC technician about adding adjustable speed drives to your fans. This keeps the fans moving, but only the air that you need.

When to Consider an Upgrade

Although a large initial investment, consider replacing any component that is over ten years old or in constant need of repair. Newer models are much more energy efficient, and the money you save in repair costs and utilities will make up for the investment in just a few months. Newer commercial HVAC systems are built with better technology that is meant to give a business owner the highest possible efficiency.

An HVAC company that specializes in commercial buildings will be happy to come out to your business and help you ascertain where your biggest losses are coming from and how best to improve on them. You will be amazed at how much of a difference just a few minor adjustments can make to your profit margin.

All businesses, large and small, are affected by operating costs. Owners should try and look at every possibility that could help save them money in the long run. Having a brand new commercial HVAC system installed will end up saving a business thousands of dollars over the course of time.

Call Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating LLC at (314) 471-7625 today or fill out our online contact form to request a free estimate.

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