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The Cicadas are Coming! Is Your HVAC System Ready for It?

How Cicadas Impact HVAC Systems

The St. Louis area is bracing for a potentially record-breaking cicada infestation. Consider the following steps to ensure your HVAC system runs smoothly during this cicada emergence. According to Nicole Pruess, the invertebrate keeper at the Sophia M. Sachs Butterfly House, there could be as many as 60 billion cicadas in St. Louis alone. Once …

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10 Pro Tips to Optimize Your AC System This Spring and Summer

How to Lower AC Costs

Whether you’re looking to optimize your existing AC system or considering an upgrade, these tips will ensure that your home remains cool and your expenses stay low while maintaining peak system performance. As spring and summer approach, warmer temperatures significantly increase the demand for your HVAC system. Homeowners struggle to keep living spaces comfortable without …

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5 Ways Spring Affects Your Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality St. Louis

Here are some key ways spring can affect the indoor air quality in your home and how Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning and Heating can help. As the flowers bloom and the weather warms, spring brings a sense of renewal to the St. Louis area. However, this beautiful season also introduces several changes that can significantly …

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How to Prepare Your St. Louis HVAC System for Allergy Season

HVAC Company Near Me

Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating can help prepare your HVAC system for allergy season so you can maintain a comfortable and healthy home environment. As the snow melts and the first blooms of spring appear, St. Louis homeowners also brace for the onset of allergy season. Pollen, dust, and other allergens can easily find …

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Air Conditioning Maintenance Near Me: Your Go-To Experts in St. Louis


Need “Air Conditioning Maintenance Near Me”? At Thomas Hoffmann Air Conditioning & Heating, we don’t just fix AC units; we ensure they operate at peak efficiency. In the heart of St. Louis, when the heat peaks and the humidity sets in, a well-functioning air conditioning system isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity. That’s where …

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